Gas consumption in a gas heater depends on several factors:

The temperature we maintain in the room.  For example, the gas consumption at a room temperature of 21 ° C is much higher than at a temperature of 16 ° C. As the temperature in the room increases, the gas consumption increases significantly. Gas consumption in a gas heater does not depend on the power of the burner. 

Example,  in a room measuring 12 × 6 meters and a height of 4 meters, an 18 kW  heater or a 26 kW heater can be installed  . Gas consumption will be the same because the  heater with a capacity of 26 kW  will switch off earlier after reaching the temperature set on the thermostat. The advantage of using a higher power heater is that we will reach the set temperature faster.

Number of operating hours of the gas heater.  Thermostat-controlled gas heaters operate at times when heat is needed in the room. When heating the room to 20 C for 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, consumption will be much higher than heating the room to 20 C for 5 days a week and 8 hours a day, and in the remaining hours to maintain the standby temperature of 10 C.

Thermal insulation of the room. Depending on the type of partitions and their degree of thermal insulation, heat losses increase or decrease. In an old industrial hall, gas consumption in a gas heater with a closed combustion chamber is much higher than in a modern hall built with the use of modern building materials.

The method of supplying air for gas combustion. GH gas heaters with a closed combustion chamber can draw combustion air from inside or outside the building. When air is drawn from outside the building, combustion is much greater than when air is drawn from inside the building.

Gas consumption in a gas heater does not depend on the power of the burner. Example, in a room measuring 12 × 6 meters and a height of 4 meters, an 18 kW  heater or a 26 kW heater can be installed  . Gas consumption will be the same because the  heater with a capacity of 26 kW  will switch off earlier after reaching the temperature set on the thermostat. The advantage of using a higher power heater is that we will reach the set temperature faster.

Categories: gas heaters